MSU Bug House

Display wall at the MSU Bug House

About the Collection

The Bug House is a dedicated outreach facility for showcasing and education about insects and other arthropods. It houses displays of insects and arthropods from around the world, demonstrating the diversity, biology, and natural history of the largest group of animals on earth. There is a collection of living insects and arthropods that visitors can see, touch or hold under the supervision of Bug House guides who can also answer questions. Displays and things to do are appropriate for all age levels.

Visiting and Using the Collection

The Bug House has free open houses for the general public from 5:30-7:30 on the second Monday night of each month from September through May. During June, July and August there will be one weekend open house each month. The Bug House also has open houses in conjunction with several other MSU events during the year. Please check the Bug House website for events and dates. The Bug House is available for daytime tours, M-F from 9:00-4:00, by appointment only, scheduled at least one week in advance, and there is a fee charged. For other information, please visit the Bug House website or contact the outreach coordinator.
